
Nintendo Revolution
Digital Camera
Coming soon


The nintndo revolution  probably the least talked about console of the lot set out to come out some time 2006 this could be a new oppertunity to Nintendo. This could be a high tech console but no one really knows that much about it they have been very secret about it because they don't want Microsoft or PS3 to steal there ideas (Trust me this happens a lot) so you can't blame them Mario 128 the long awaited game is set to come out for this console and Metroid is also set to come out .Just look at how small it is I know it's a plastic hand holding it but it just looks tiny and it comes with a stand. They have announced wireless controllers but I wouldn't count on that to much it will feature downloadble games and backwards compatibility of the Gamecube
This is all I know really here are the features
  • WiFi internet capability out of the box and access to online gaming.
  • Access to download a huge catalogue of NES, SNES and N64 games.
  • Backwards compatibility with GameCube titles.
  • DVD movie capability.



    Some Gamecube Fans will know that this is a wavebird and it is a wireless controller although it is only an idea this could come as standard on the Nintendo revoulution


    DAFT (DumbAss Award ofFriendlyness)